Yes that’s right folks, the sales are indeed coming to the UK. What does this mean for gaming consoles? Well, time will tell. We are sharply searching for great deals every single day. Trust us, whether it’s in store or online, as soon as any decent deals start popping up we’ll post info on this […]
Happy Christmas Everyone!
We hope you all got what you wanted this Christmas! Enjoy time with yourselves and your families. Obviously Christmas wouldn’t be the same without a bit of gaming Hopefully we were able to save you a bit of money this year, and we will try harder to do the same next year. Have a good […]
Amazon Christmas Cutoff Dates
Morning all! Time is running out for this Christmas orders!! Amazon have announced their Christmas Cutoff dates, if you’re still wanting to order from Amazon it’s worth checking the following out:
How do I buy retro games on Xbox 360? I can’t find them in the shops!
So you’ve heard stories about Xbox gamers playing retro classics like Space Invaders, Curse of Monkey Island & Speedball 2, but you can’t find these titles in the shops! What’s going on? First thing is not to worry, you won’t find these titles in the shops because they are purchased as downloadable content over Microsoft’s […]
Cheaper to buy games now, or after Christmas?
Just a quick one here, we’ve received a few emails from you guys asking if we think it will be cheaper to buy games after Christmas, or before. The truth is, we don’t really know! However, judging from previous years it would seem that there are always massive reductions right before Christmas because all of […]
Discount Codes for have thankfully given us some discount codes for all viewers! To save yourself a further £5 off your console from, use discount codes: PLANW09 or PLARBS09 during the checkout process. HUGE thanks to for this!!!! This Offer ends 6/12/2009 so get in there quick! Enjoy!
World Aids Day
Hi guys, Okay, this isn’t related to gaming but we just wanted to put a note out there to recongise World Aids Day. There are 33 million people worldwide that are living with Aids, let us try and remember them this Christmas. Google have kindly put a page up to raise awareness. Visit Google’s World […]